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SI SBDC Attends the 2023 NYSBDC Staff Training!


Pictured are: Left: Sonya Smith, NYSBDC State Director. Photo on Right: Edward Piszko, Certified Senior Business Advisor; Front Left: Joseph Bottega, Certified Senior Business Advisor; Back Right: Dean Balsamini, Regional Director and Front Right: Joseph Muller, Certified Business

Advisor (SI SBDC).

Dean Balsamini, Regional Director of the Staten Island Small Business Development Center, Edward Piszko, Certified Senior Business Advisor, Joseph Bottega, Certified Senior Business Advisor and Joseph Muller, Certified Business Advisor attended the annual staff training last month in Syracuse, NY, hosted by the NYSBDC. The conference provides training and professional development for the 22 campus-based centers and outreach offices across NY State. Sonya Smith, NYSBDC State Director commented "Our 2023 NYSBDC State Conference in Syracuse, NY, was an opportunity for our entire network to share best practices, connect with partners, showcase sponsors and share resources across the state to better our work and positively impact our clients. Together, we will continue to empower small businesses, foster economic growth, and strengthen our communities. This conference served as a testament to our shared commitment and a catalyst for exciting future opportunities. Here's to the journey ahead!" Dean Balsamini, Regional Director of the SIBDC stated "The Staten Island Small Business Center is proud to have received the "Happy Client Customer Satisfaction Award" for the Highest Client Evaluation Rating in FY22, as well as an Award for Exceeding All of the SISBDC Goals for FY 2022. Our Center continues to work as a team to help entrepreneurs and small businesses around the state fulfill their dreams and grow the Staten Island Economy". Additionally, Joseph Muller received the esteemed designation as a NY State-Certified Business Advisor. This recognition provides assurance to clients and funding partners that all Business Advisors in the SBDC network have the business skills, competency and knowledge to effectively counsel, guide and support entrepreneurs in their business endeavors.



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